Converting UGATIT to CoreML Model.

3 min readJun 21, 2020


Selfie2Anime on iOS.

UGATIT is a state-of-art of image-to-image technologies.


*GitHub Project Page.

*Preconverted CoreML Model (Selfie2Anime).

You can use this model in iOS mobile devices through converting from TensorFlow model to CoreML model.

1,Clone from GitHub project page above.

git clone UGATIT

2,Download the checkpoint of pretrained model from GitHub project page above. And put it in “checkpoint” directory you make.

Download it from Google Drive link.
mkdir checkpoint
## put checkpoint you downloaded in this directory.

3,Download the selfie2anime dataset from GitHub project page above.And put it in dataset directory you make.

Download it from Google Drive link.
mkdir dataset
## put selfie2anime dataset you downloaded in this directory.

4,Make pbtxt of model. For it, insert write_graph function in 642 (i.e. in “def test(self):), and run the test prediction.

## def test(self):
fake_img =, feed_dict = {self.test_domain_A : sample_image}), './', 'ugatit.pbtxt') ## ↑ insert this line.python --dataset selfie2anime --phase test ## If the test success, you get "ugatit.pbtxt" in your current directory.

5,Install tfcoreml.

pip install tfcoreml

6,Make frozen_model. For it, write “” and run it.

## convert.pyfrom __future__ import print_functionimport numpy as npfrom import freeze_graphimport tfcoreml
graph_def_file = 'ugatit.pbtxt'checkpoint_file = 'checkpoint/UGATIT_selfie2anime_lsgan_4resblock_6dis_1_1_10_10_1000_sn_smoothing/UGATIT.model-1000000'frozen_model_file = './frozen_model.pb'output_node_names = 'generator_B/Tanh'freeze_graph(input_graph=graph_def_file, input_saver="", input_binary=False, input_checkpoint=checkpoint_file, output_node_names=output_node_names, restore_op_name="save/restore_all", filename_tensor_name="save/Const:0", output_graph=frozen_model_file, clear_devices=True, initializer_nodes="")python

7,Convert from frozen_model to CoreML model.For it, write “” and run it.

## coreml.pyinput_tensor_shapes = {'test_domain_A':[1, 256, 256, 3]} # batch size is 1# Output CoreML model pathcoreml_model_file = './ugatit.mlmodel'output_tensor_names = ['generator_B/Tanh:0']# Call the convertercoreml_model = tfcoreml.convert(        tf_model_path='frozen_model.pb',        mlmodel_path=coreml_model_file,        input_name_shape_dict=input_tensor_shapes,        output_feature_names=output_tensor_names,        image_input_names='test_domain_A',        red_bias=-1,        green_bias=-1,        blue_bias=-1,        image_scale=2/255,        minimum_ios_deployment_target='12'        )
If convert successfully, you get UGATIT coreml model like this.

Now, you can use UGATIT in your iOS project.

import Visionlazy var coreMLRequest:VNCoreMLRequest = {   let model = try! VNCoreMLModel(for: ugatit().model)   let request = VNCoreMLRequest(model: model, completionHandler: self.coreMLCompletionHandler0)   return request   }()
handler = VNImageRequestHandler(ciImage: ciimage,options: [:]) .userInitiated).async { try? handler.perform([coreMLRequest])}

For visualizing multiArray as image, Mr. Hollance’s “CoreML Helpers” are very convenient.

func coreMLCompletionHandler0(request:VNRequest?,error:Error?) {   let result = coreMLRequest.results?.first as! VNCoreMLFeatureValueObservation   let multiArray = result.featureValue.multiArrayValue   let cgimage = multiArray?.cgImage(min: -1, max: 1, channel: nil, axes: (3,1,2))

P.S. I made an iOS app with UGATIT CoreML model of selfie2anime.

You can make like this or more great apps.

Please follow my Twitter. And please clap your hands 👏.

Happy Image Generating!




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