Sharpening low-quality photos that have been repeatedly processed
A photo booth image that tends to be blurry.
Photos that have been processed often tend to be blurry.
AI will solve it for you. And it’s easy to use.
How to…
Simply visit the AI sample web page below, select an image, and hit send.
<Original image ↓>
<High image quality by AI↓>
You can see that it is quite clear when enlarged.
How to do it programmatically
You can also use AI to improve image quality programmatically and incorporate it into the service.
We use an AI called RealESRGAN.
It’s easy to use, just execute the following command to improve the image quality of the specified image.
python -n RealESRGAN_x4plus -i input_image -o output_image
By the way, I made this AI into an app.
I am a freelance engineer.
If you have any of the following requests, please feel free to contact us.
I want to develop an AI service, I want to incorporate AI into my business to make it more efficient, I want to develop a smartphone app that uses AI, I want to create an
application that uses AR, I want to create a smartphone app, but I don’t know who to consult…
All of them can be ordered at a reasonable price without intermediate costs.
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We are creating applications using machine learning and AR technology.
We are disseminating information related to machine learning/AR.