Does ChatGPT remember the context of the conversation?
When interacting with ChatGPT, questions may arise.
“How well does ChatGPT remember the context of a conversation when responding?”
for example,
Question (user)
Answer (ChatGPT)
Question based on the answer (user)
Answer to the question based on the answer (ChatGPT)
Question based on the answer to the question based on the answer (user)
Question based on the answer Answers to questions based on answers to (ChatGPT)
When the conversation becomes long, I
wonder how much of the context from the first question they understood, whether they
were just answering the previous question, and
if so, how much of it they remembered
The first person answered based on the flow of the conversation.
However, there may be times when the answer doesn’t feel right along the way.
Do you really understand the whole context?
There is a limit to how much context ChatGPT can remember
In conclusion, ChatGPT remembers the context of the conversation.
However, there is a limit to the length that can be memorized.
There is a clear limit to how much you can remember.
As a rough guide, you can remember about half the number of English words listed below.
ChatGPT3.5 (free) 4096 tokens
ChatGPT4 ($20/month)8000 tokens
ChatTeam ($25/month)32000 tokens
ChatGPT4 (paid)128000 tokens
The number of tokens is called the ``context window size,’’ and
conversations and sentences that exceed this limit are forgotten from the beginning.
It’s like computer memory.
Therefore, if you want to handle everything from the overall design of a business plan to the details, or if
you want to ensure code consistency for a large-scale system,
you may want to consider a paid plan with a larger context window size.
By the way, ChatGPT forgets everything when you start a new chat.
It’s like a new person appears every time in each talk room.
This is because the ChatGPT model does not learn from conversations.
The context is only tracked using the memory in the conversation room.
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